When you need help finding college-appropriate resources, selecting the best databases to search, citing, and a whole lot more, GRCC librarians can help during Reference Service Hours.
When you select licensed resources from the Library website, you will prompted to login to MyGRCC. Please contact GRCC IT help (616.234.4357) if you are unable to login to MyGRCC.
WHO CAN USE? This email reference service is for GRCC students, faculty and staff. If you're a Middle College student, please tell us where you are taking your classes.
WHO ANSWERS? Questions are answered by GRCC's masters-degreed librarians.
WHEN? Whenever reference librarians are on duty - see Reference Service Hours. If we're closed, we will answer your question first thing on our next business day.
FOR BEST RESULTS: The more you tell us, the better we can answer. What class is this for? Who is your professor? Any assignment specs, like peer-reviewed journals? MLA or APA citing? Tell us where you've already looked. Typical questions include:
Librarians will promptly contact you via your GRCC email or phone with an answer.