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ODEI Taskforce Information: ODEI Feedback Survey Results

This guide contains information and links to resources to keep our campus community updated on the taskforce progress. u

ODEI Taskforce Feedback Form Final Results

 After a careful review of the preliminary feedback, several recurring themes and messages emerged from the data. This information helped guide our follow-up survey as it provided us with a wealth of information to shape our future actions. The collective input from participants helped us to better understand what matters most to our community. Below. is a summary of key findings and highlights the areas with the highest priority scores.

What are the top 3 guiding principles that should be considered for the mission of ODEI?

What are the top 3 goals for equity work at GRCC?

What are the top 3 skills that should be required for the leadership of ODEI?

What are the top 3 values that lead to your sense of belonging?

Working mission based on feedback...

The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion holds GRCC accountable to its mission. ODEI actively works to advance excellence, justice, and freedom by eliminating structural barriers and cultivating an inclusive culture and sense of belonging for all.

Draft of goals based on feedback...

  1. Identify and reduce equity gaps and barriers to access

  2. Create a campus and community culture where all identities feel welcomed and supported.

  3. Train the GRCC community to be active agents of excellence, justice and freedom

  4. Support difficulty conversations

  5. Collaborate with equity centered groups and organizations

Job Description of Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer

Working definition of sense of belonging....

GRCC defines a "sense of belonging"