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Psychology 100 Strategies for College and Life Success (PY100): PY100 Academic Honesty

The purpose of this class is to help students reflect and consider how their life journeys and the choices they have made so far in their lives have brought them to this place and what they can do to be successful in college.

Academic Honesty

GRCC defines Academic Honesty as "any form of cheating and/or plagiarism which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own." Read the Academic Honesty section of the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic honesty issues encompass a variety of real-life ethical issues students confront everyday, including:

  • buying a term paper from a paper mill;
  • cheating; using copyrighted information without attribution or permission;
  • downloading music without paying for the intellectual property rights;
  • poor note-taking and/or paraphrasing;
  • outright plagiarism, etc.

Copyright Policy for GRCC Students

Titles in Academic Honesty

Interactive Tutorials