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Linking Library Resources into Blackboard: EBSCOHost Databases

Populate Blackboard courses with a variety of Licensed Library Databases.

EBSCOHost Databases

EBSCOhost: GRCC has access to over 70 EBSCOhost databases. Many of them are received as MeL Michigan eLibrary databases - free from the state of Michigan. In addition, GRCC licenses several academic EBSCOhost databases. HINT!  For most linking needs, the easiest way to link ONE ARTICLE is from a OneSearch results screen.


Ebscohost Permalink articleArticle Link: Select the specific full-text article you want to link to Blackboard. View the full citation and abstract and click the [Permalink] icon in the [Tools] section of the screen.

Right-click to copy the pop-up Permalink URL and then paste it into your Blackboard and add your preferred citation. 


Search Strategy Link: Ebsco Search Strategy LinkCreate a search strategy that provides a useful results list. When articles are published that match the strategy you create, they will be added to the list of articles you see today.  Do not select a particular article; be sure you are on the screen showing multiple results.

Click the [Share] icon  at the top of the results list.  Right-click to copy the Persistent URL and then paste it into your Blackboard with your preferred citation.