17,000+ periodical titles included with 6 million+ articles. DOAJ is the most comprehensive searchable index of free scientific and scholarly content in full-text formats.
Articles provide general information to a wide, interested audience
Articles are written for a general audience either by the magazine's staff, a scholar, or free-lance writers
Include photographs, illustrations and graphics to enhance appeal.
Are generally published by commercial enterprises for profit
Use language appropriate for an high-school educated readership. They do not emphasize a specialty but do assume a certain level of intelligence
Occasionally cite sources, but this is the exception not the rule
Contain advertising
Generally are published by commercial enterprises for profit
Articles are written and designed to entertain or persuade
Articles are usually written for a general audience
Articles tend to be short
Use simple language in order to meet a minimum education level
Articles rarely cite sources or contain a bibliography
Are published by commercial, for-profit presses
Contain many photographs and illustrations to enhance appeal
May contain extensive advertising
Articles are written and designed to entertain, persuade or inform
Local newspapers are usually written for a general audience with a minimal reading level, while subject newspapers are usually written for an audience with a higher reading level
While articles often mention sources, they rarely cite them or contain a bibliography
Frequently general articles are unsigned, or anonymous
Contain photos and illustrations to enhance appeal, with extensive general advertising
Issues are often published daily or weekly – being up-to-date is the goal
Usually published on large sheets of newsprint
More and more newspapers are published in an e-format, even e-only