No: Go back to step one and refine your topic.
Yes: Go to Step Five.
As your are researching when you find an article or source you want to use in your research, evaluate it, then save it for later.
Most databases offer you the option of :
Look for the icons to perform these operations.
The CRAAP Test is an acronym for a short list of criteria used to evaluate sources.
Currency: The timeliness of the information.
Relevance: Does the information fit your needs.
Authority: The source of the information.
Accuracy: Is the information reliability, truthful, and correct.
Purpose: Why was this source created.
This is a modified version of a document created by Sarah Blakeslee at Meriam Library, CSU Chico.
In addition to OneSearch, try these databases for news, magazine, and journal articles for writing your papers:
Use this link to narrow down by Site or Domain; use .gov for government resource and .edu for educational resources.