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English as a Second Language (ESL): Library Database Translation Services

Library Database Translation Services

Many of our library's database tools have translation services available for library users. This guide will give instructions for how to use these services. For more information, please get in touch with a librarian.


The Proquest translation tool can be found near the top of any article under the Abstract or Full Text heading.

Clicking on the word "Translate" will display a drop down menu, allowing the user to select the language they would like translated from and to. 

Credo Reference

Credo Reference has an option for translating pages of the database. This is located under the hamburger menu in the upper left corner. Clicking on that menu will open a drop down menu including a translate option. Clicking on translate allows user to select their preferred language. 


Academic One File (and other Gale databases)

Gale databases (including Academic Onefile) also have translation abilities. On the upper right hand corner, there's an option to translate any of the database pages into another language. On this image, you can see the option for language is currently set to English. If you click on the arrow next to English, it will display other language options. 


Once a student has accessed an article, they can also translate the full text of the article by clicking on the translate option under the article title and before the article abstract. This option is the bubble on the far left, with an A and another character. Clicking on that bubble will display all of the language options.